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Sunday, December 22, 2013

{ Family : XMAS : Session }

I had the honor of photographing this beautiful family's FIRST family photos!
The weather was perfect for it being a winter day, and the kids were all a pleasure! Especially baby Owen, he was a trooper! Here's some photos from their session, Enjoy :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

{ Warm : Winter : Day }

So, it's winter....and in the midwest that means SNOW SNOW and more SNOW! We all dread the snow, but when it comes I can't help but feel like a kid again! We got our first snow of the year last week and boy was it a lot! Perfect for building snowmen and sledding! Last night when we went to sleep there was still a good amount on the ground and I was planning on taking Jayden sledding today. Well, that plan got shut down when we woke up to a warm winter day! All the snow had melted yes, but it was so gorgeous outside we just played outside and enjoyed the warm weather! Of course I was right there with my camera to capture my adventurous little girl! FUN TIMES :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

{ Alex : Senior : Shoot }

We had so much fun doing this shoot! We started out with hair & makeup with my talented friend Alexis, having the right makeup really does make a difference in how your features stand out in a photo! After getting glammed up we headed out to shoot! It was a little cold, but Alex was a trooper! She has the prettiest eyes, as you can see, and they just lit up in the sunlight! Definitely one of my favorite sessions! Here are a few shots of her session, ENJOY!

Im starting a blog!

So I have always thought about starting a blog, just never sat down and actually took the time to do it! Well today is the day...My business has been growing and all the positiveness has compelled me to finally do it! I shoot families, seniors, maternity, weddings, birth stories and of course my daughter :) I'll be getting some photos on here soon!