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Sunday, December 22, 2013

{ Family : XMAS : Session }

I had the honor of photographing this beautiful family's FIRST family photos!
The weather was perfect for it being a winter day, and the kids were all a pleasure! Especially baby Owen, he was a trooper! Here's some photos from their session, Enjoy :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

{ Warm : Winter : Day }

So, it's winter....and in the midwest that means SNOW SNOW and more SNOW! We all dread the snow, but when it comes I can't help but feel like a kid again! We got our first snow of the year last week and boy was it a lot! Perfect for building snowmen and sledding! Last night when we went to sleep there was still a good amount on the ground and I was planning on taking Jayden sledding today. Well, that plan got shut down when we woke up to a warm winter day! All the snow had melted yes, but it was so gorgeous outside we just played outside and enjoyed the warm weather! Of course I was right there with my camera to capture my adventurous little girl! FUN TIMES :)